Boundaries: The Bryant Park Neighborhood extends from Lake Avenue to 5th Avenue South and from Federal Highway to the
Meetings: Meetings are held on the 4th Monday of the month, except in June, July and August. Meetings take place at The Beach Club, One 7th Avenue North at the Lake Worth Golf Course. Social time begins at 6:30 PM. Meetings start at 7:00 PM. Bryant Park usually does not meet during the Summer. Please check the NAPC Calendar on the home page.
Membership: Open to all residents of the Bryant Park neighborhood. Dues are $10 per person or $15 per family.
2016 Board of Directors:
June Evans, President Emeritus
Darrin Engel, President
Herman Robinson, Vice President
Karla Engel, Secretary
Charlotte Downing, Treasurer
Mark Lurtz, Director
Ricardo Martin, Director
Marshall Pass, Director
Wayne Raulin, Director
John Szerdi, Director
June Evans, President Emeritus
Darrin Engel, President
Herman Robinson, Vice President
Karla Engel, Secretary
Charlotte Downing, Treasurer
Mark Lurtz, Director
Ricardo Martin, Director
Marshall Pass, Director
Wayne Raulin, Director
John Szerdi, Director
Facebook: Bryant Park on Facebook